Monday, October 12, 2009

Status of the nature due to the global warming

global warming
This global warming is one of the greatest diseases of people on this earth.This is also one of the greatest disease of the nature also.Due to the global warming the natural beauty of the earth is vanishing day by day.The nature doesn't have such a beauty as it was 50 years before.All the beauty of the nature is going to be vanish.Day by day people are cutting trees which is main beauty of the forest so it is vanishing.In nature before the amount of water resources are decreasing day by day.We are not becoming able to get fresh and pure water,we can find only contaminated water which is helping to destroy our life.Other resources like minerals are also being distrubing day by day.

Due to the global warming the habitation of plants changing,those plants that was about to grow in the January is growing in the March which is one of the bad news to the nature.Every year the time of the plants are changing.They are not growing in time as they used to grow in past.So the increasement of the global warming is also distrubing the nature.They are affecting the nature which is very bad for the nature.So inorder to save the nature we should not save the Global Warming.The diseases like the global warming should be kicked out for ever.


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