Saturday, March 6, 2010
Axix of earth change by 8cm
This news is shock for the human that the position of the axix of our earth has changed by 8 centimeter. This was found after the Earthquake in the Chille. Due to the changes of the axis it is come to know that the day and the night has change, the day duration on the earth has become preety short. In this new year already there has occured three earthqukes, first was in Haiti second was in Chille and the third was in Tiwan.Chille was shaked by 8.8 recter where 700 people was died from the latest news.Do you know that this quake has done such a disaster that the bed rocks and other rocks has change it's position such that the axix of the earth has changed by 8 centimeter.This is also predicted that the next earthquake's destination is America and the coastel area of United States of America.
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